Fake Content Whistleblower


Byte-powered Future

Fake Content Whistleblower

Misinformation, disinformation, fake news, troll factories, deepfakes… Our feeds are full of made-up news and content, and it is increasingly difficult to detect these fabricated stories, images and videos. Meanwhile, traditional media is under a lot of pressure to be faster and more efficient at creating and sharing the news around the world. All this leads to more and more responsibility being shifted to the individual reading the content. On the other hand, many deepfakes, AI generated content and cybersecurity threats leave a digital trace. At the same time IT service providers have huge amounts of data about the content going through their services. How might IT service providers help consumers to spot fake news, deepfakes or AI generated content to promote ethical behavior and transparency? How might this look like in the everyday services we use? What creative ways would there be to “flag” risky or suspicious content for the users? How might the service providers build trust between them and the consumers? We don’t want just another pop up in our apps to “help” us, but more natural ways to inform and ultimately teach the consumers to behave in more responsible way. Join the project to find ways to combat against mis- and disinformation, and other cyberthreats!
Contact person
Janne Eskola
Janne Eskola


+358 40 661 9940


Heini-Marja Rintaniemi
Heini-Marja Rintaniemi

Program Manager

+358 50 582 7401


Concluded project

Basic information

Apply by

07 Mar 2024




In person




Project starts

13 Mar 2024

Kick-off (day 1)

13 Mar 2024

Kick-off (day 2)

14 Mar 2024

Mid-event (day 1)

10 Apr 2024

Mid-event (day 2)

11 Apr 2024

Finals (day 1)

29 May 2024

Finals (day 2)

30 May 2024

Project ends

30 May 2024

Related tags

#artificial intelligence



#fake news


#real-time data