Not Too Old to Work

IP Viana do Castelo

Future of Work

Not Too Old to Work

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in integrating elderly people into work communities, both to provide them with a source of income and social interaction and to address labor shortages in certain industries. This trend is likely to continue in the future, as the population in general is ageing and the need for workers in certain sectors remains high. Also, there are several benefits to keeping elderly people at work. For example, they bring a lot of experience and knowledge that is invaluable to their younger peers. They also tend to be more patient and understanding, which can be helpful in customer service roles. Thus, the trend keeping elderly people in work communities is likely to continue for the coming years, but this will require a lot of attention from companies to ensure that both elderly and younger workers can work effectively together. As the workforce ages, what new challenges and opportunities will emerge for employers and organizations looking to harness the skills and experience of elderly workers? How will work communities evolve to be more inclusive of elderly people? What new tools or platforms might emerge to enable elderly people integration into work communities? How can work communities be designed to promote intergenerational learning and collaboration, allowing younger workers to learn from the experience and wisdom of their older peers? Alongside you, you’ll have your facilitators but also the teacher Raquel Gonçalves (, who will all guide you through the entire process.
Contact person
Paulo Portovedo
Paulo Portovedo

Co-creation expert


Concluded project

Basic information

Apply by

27 Oct 2023


IP Viana do Castelo


In person




Project starts

30 Oct 2023

Kick-off day

30 Oct 2023

Mid-event day 1

04 Dec 2023 - 05 Dec 2023

Mid-event day 2

07 Dec 2023

Finals day 1

18 Jan 2024

Finals day 2

19 Jan 2024

Project ends

19 Jan 2024

Related tags

#aging population



#work culture