Current status:
With global warming, sustainability has taken on a new meaning. Incorporating social and environmental
aspects into the strategy of organizations has become increasingly important and constitutes a
competitive advantage. According to various studies, the impact of global warming has acted as a catalyst
for the implementation of sustainable management strategies. Sustainability has come to be seen as a
strategic pillar for rebuilding the global economy. Sales and purchasing models have therefore been put
in place that capitalize on this phenomenon.
Partner’s view:
By giving other people what you don't use, you're taking care of the planet, and by giving yourself what
others no longer need, you're also taking care of the planet. This is the concern of the Flordopassarinho
company, expressed in its slogan "giving clothes a second chance". In addition to the commercial model,
the characteristics that this business model defends stand out: sustainability, reuse, in a circular economy
logic (reduction, reuse, revalorization, recovery and recycling of materials and energy). The company is
publicized through social networks and word of mouth - marketing used to attract new customers.
Analyzing the customer profile (persona), understanding the digital environments for promotion and
dissemination, discovering the right marketing channels and quality tools could be some of the aspects
that will help define this company's marketing strategy. But what marketing strategy can help raise
awareness and attract new customers?