Industrially Circular Economy


Value Creators of Tomorrow

Industrially Circular Economy

Circular economy has permeated especially consumer-heavy fields. Applications requiring precision, especially among manufacturing industries are being explored as well, but there are obstacles hindering the transition. For example, when there are non-new parts reused after refurbishment, the uncertainties concerning e.g., accuracy and longevity make circular plans an afterthought. Risks are said to be simply too big when the usage history can not be verified, Within this project, the aim is to dive deeper into the circular economy realm of industrial parts. Are there good examples around the world, where "industrial second hand" has been applied successfully that could be used as the basis for new models across industries? The issues involved might also be tackled through understanding of the usage of the originally new parts: what might be the relevant usage data that indicate the condition of parts in question? How should the data be gathered and could there be new business models to enable such mechanisms? As a team, you get to choose the industry to focus in based on your exploration in the Demola process. In the end, the expected end results are tangible demo use cases of industrially circular economy that could disrupt industries and push the manufacturers towards a more sustainable future!
Contact person
Joonas Kemppainen
Joonas Kemppainen

Director, Key Digital Technologies

+358 50 529 1845

Paulo Portovedo
Paulo Portovedo

Co-creation expert


Concluded project

Basic information

Apply by

13 Oct 2023








Project starts

20 Oct 2023


20 Oct 2023

Demo building workshop

17 Nov 2023

Pitching workshop

01 Dec 2023

Final session

07 Dec 2023

Project ends

07 Dec 2023

Related tags

#business model

#circular economy




#second-hand market