In the never-ending fight against mis- and disinformation, reliable news and quality journalism are more important than ever. The problem for traditional news is the interface; whether digital articles or physical news papers, it is extremely hard to offer the reader enough context and sources to fully validate the authenticity and trustworthiness. This leaves lots of space for mis- and disinformation to look just as convincing as the real news. What if we could offer near limitless amounts of sources, background and context for the readers? We want to build demos in metaverse environment to see what kind of user experience would enable transparent journalism in the future.
How would a news article in metaverse look like? How much can we utilize the limitless space and different dimensions to visualize the news for the readers? Can we mix different mediums (text, audio, video, etc…) together to create completely new kind of news reading experience?
We are looking for students interested in software engineering, game design, journalism, metaverse or UX design.