Current status:
It is a well-known fact that areas surrounding reservoirs provide various opportunities for economic
growth, such as tourism, accommodation, restaurants, cultural and natural heritage, and recreational
activities like boating, fishing, and swimming. The development of the economy is closely tied to social
progress, as it helps create job opportunities and retain young individuals. This is especially important for
sparsely populated regions like the Baixo Sabor Municipalities Association (AMBS), where the Baixo
Sabor reservoirs pose challenges related to the high volume of boat traffic because they are public water
reservoirs for protected use.
Partner’s view:
In 2006, AMBS was established as a special-purpose association, legally recognised as a public entity
with an associative nature and territorial scope. Its primary goal is to promote the common interests of
the municipalities it encompasses - Alfândega da Fé, Macedo de Cavaleiros, Mogadouro, and Torre de
Moncorvo. The association's formation was in response to the need to facilitate the construction of the
Baixo Sabor dam through concerted efforts. Currently, AMBS is in the process of drafting the Baixo Sabor
Reservoirs Special Program (PEABS), which has two main objectives: i) to determine the carrying capacity
of the reservoirs and the terrestrial protection zones to ensure the bodies of water remain in good
condition and allow for integrated management of the intervention area; and ii) to ensure that
compensatory measures required for compliance with the Environmental Impact Statement for the Baixo
Sabor hydroelectric scheme (AHBS) are adequately considered, as planned for the PEABS area. To
achieve these goals, it is necessary to establish ways to monitor boat traffic in the Sabor Lakes, which
stretch for 75km.
How can the number of boats on Sabor Lakes be effectively controlled while preserving the natural