We are all equals | Gender issues with immigrants

IP Beja

Human Beings in the Modern World

We are all equals | Gender issues with immigrants

International migration is a phenomenon that occurs all over the world, on a large scale, and that originates complex scenarios at a social, political, economic and cultural level in the host countries. The coastal Alentejo is one of the regions of Portugal with a high number of immigrants. Gender issues are an important aspect to take into account in the integration and inclusion of immigrants in our country. In a multicultural society, it is increasingly important to guarantee the execution of public policies within the scope of citizenship and the promotion and defense of gender equality. Different cultural practices in relation to gender issues can increase barriers with regard to immigrants' integration, increasing the gap between immigrants and locals. In a multicultural context, how can we promote and defend gender equality? How can we facilitate the acquisition of inclusive cultural practices with regard to gender equality? How can we promote gender equality among immigrants? How might we can facilitate the acquisition of gender equality skills in the immigrants?
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Apply by

10 Mar 2023


IP Beja






Project starts

13 Mar 2023

Project ends

26 May 2023

Related tags

#gender equality



#social inclusion