Smarter Healthcare

IP Santarem

Human Beings in the Modern World

Smarter Healthcare

Currently, almost all our healthcare systems around the world operate in reactive mode. Something needs to go wrong before you think about seeing a doctor, and in some cases, it is already too late. At the same time, the service experience is ruined by long waiting times, submitting your personal information (again) and explaining your entire medical history to the professionals (again). Most of this is caused by pointless repetitive tasks and poor usability of the existing data. It is intriguing to think if instead of the current model of reactive healthcare services, we could proactively invite people for screenings, support their rehabilitation and offer much faster treatment. Assuming that we had the health data of the citizens in Portugal and permission to use it, how should a heavily proactive healthcare system be designed? How might the design of public healthcare service look like from the individual patient's point of view? How might the experience of healthcare services look like in the future if data-enabled decision-making and automation is utilized to their full potential?
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Apply by

05 Apr 2024


IP Santarem


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Project starts

08 Apr 2024

Project ends

06 Jun 2024

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