
IP Santarem

Value Creators of Tomorrow


According to FAO statistics, aquaculture is the sector of animal production that has grown the most in recent decades. Today, around half of the world's fish consumption is accounted for by aquaculture. Aquaculture is thus a guarantee of food security but also contributes to the economy and job creation, while at the same time relieving the pressure of fishing on natural resources. It also manages to put high quality nutritional food on people's plates at competitive prices. However, in Portugal, which is one of the countries with the highest per capita fish consumption, consumers still have some unscientific prejudices about the quality of fish from aquaculture. This anathema must be combated if fish consumption is to remain high and if the socio-economic viability of this activity is to be guaranteed. How does aquaculture fit into the values of the modern generation and how do they perceive the industry compared to other food sources? How should aquaculture be communicated for efficience and transparency, and how should the scientific aspect be brought into the comunication?
Contact person
João Gago
João Gago



Concluded project

Basic information

Apply by

05 Apr 2024


IP Santarem


In person




Project starts

08 Apr 2024

Kick-off day 1

08 Apr 2024

Mid-event day 1

07 May 2024

Mid-event day 2

08 May 2024

Finals day 1

05 Jun 2024

Finals day 2

06 Jun 2024

Project ends

06 Jun 2024

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